does what grieve God, grieve me?

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I am posting quotes on and off during a couple of periods in Feb. as I might not have my computer readily available. If I do, then I will post in addition to these.)

Louder Than Words. Andy Stanley

“The degree of one’s  hard-heartedness is equal to the disparity between what grieves that person and what grieves God.

The questions to ask are: Am I grieved by the same things that grieve God? Do I feel what God feels? Am I bothered by the things that bother God.  Is my heart in sync with His?

……….Consequently, scenes that would break the heart of God elicit laughter and cheers from His children. And worst of all, we rarely give it a thought.

Worth thinking about, huh?

………When what grieves God no longer grieves you, your heart is hard. When what bothers God doesn’t bother you anymore, your heart is hard.
