Bad news, good news, bad news

I just came home from the doc’s.

Bad news, at least ten more days NWB (non-weight bearing).

Good news, I can put a little pressure on the heel to maneuver steps.

Bad news, we tried the “good news” above and it’s way too painful.

So my hubby did take me by Goodwill. No steps to maneuver around.

I found the cutest little basket to spray paint. Of course I’ve got to find an easier way to get into the garage. But so help me, I’m going to.

cute little Goodwill basket

Goodwill basket

Cute little Goodwill basket

Goodwill basket

While I was in Goodwill, God provided some encouragement.

A customer (turned out to be a nurse) saw me on my scooter and remarked, “Those scooters are a life saver, aren’t they”.

“Yes, they are.”

She proceeded, “I broke my ankle in three places. My son was only five at the time and I was a single mom. It was a nightmare. I was NWB for months. The worst time in my life.”

We chatted for a few more minutes.

I thanked God for His intervention.

God has a great way of showing up right when we need him too.

Today was a nice visit for Him, right when I needed it.

Then my husband brought me my cottage cheese and grapes. How cute is this?

cottage cheese smiley

cottage cheese and grape smiley face

God bless and have a good day

ps. Might I just add. Be careful in all that you do and take care of your feet.