How to spring clean your home

This week I’m gong to focus on spring cleaning and such.

funny house cleaning

I found this great post and highly recommend it.

Rather than re-post the whole thing, I’m just going to give you her highlights and my own success or failure at each. You might want to go her post and read the whole thing. I thought it was excellent.

Organizing idea #1: Never stop picking up.

(I’m not too bad at this.)

Organizing idea #2: Stop making messes.

(I think this one depends on if you’re in the middle of a project or not. Sometimes, cleaning up takes too much time if you’re going to be right back at it the next day. But it doesn’t hurt to neaten-up and be prepared to continue without having to take everything out again.)

Organizing idea #3: Think ahead and organize for the future.

(I AM bad at this one. I just hate it when I’m doing something and realize I don’t have the proper tools for the job. Usually, I’ll end up trying to make something else work instead. Like opening a paint can. I mean why even consider opening a can with a paint can opener. But I do it all the time so I pick up the closest thing to pry the lid off and it never does as good a job.)

Organizing idea #4: Never, Never Procrastinate.

(I’m not too good at this one either. But I’m really good at the planning part. :))

Organizing idea #5: Don’t give up. Practice makes perfect.

(Yep, got this one nailed.)

Organizing idea #6: Attitude, Attitude, Attitude

(I actually kind of like house cleaning. I spent a few days at my daughter’s last week and cleaned SEVENTEEN, (Yes, I said seventeen) blinds and windows.

'It must be Spring. I can't see out the window.'

I enjoyed surprising her. I often cleaned my son’s home as well when the grand kids were small. As with my daughter, both he and my daughter-in-law worked outside the home.I was glad I could help and no one ever thought I was trying to make a point or anything.)

Organizing idea #7: Use rooms for their intended purposes.

(This is where I score the lowest. For one thing, ours is an old home and I don’t have a main floor room where I can do crafts, etc. And I don’t like using the basement which is where all the supplies are. So the supplies always find their way upstairs and then they don’t find their way downstairs as quickly. Why can’t they just get down there on there own.)

Organizing idea #8: Be a wise steward of your time.

(I think I do as well here as I can. For me, it’s a spiritual issue.)


like house cleaningOrganizing idea # 9:Keep on top of things.

(I do well with this except for those stray craft items mentioned earlier.)

Organizing idea #10: Don’t be afraid to let go.

(This is my biggest failing. I’m one of those who if I’ve had a”pile of stuff” lying around for years and haven’t figured out what to do with it, I consider is such a failure I can’t let it go. I keep thinking I should’ve thought of some wonderful DIY project.

Right now I have a huge garbage bag full of  industrial sized toilet paper rolls. I asked a janitor at a rest stop to save some for me and never figured he would. The next time I stopped at the rest stop, three months later, he had a huge bag with my name on it just waiting for me. (I had told him it could be that long.)

I was amazed.

I just can’t bear to part with them because I just know that if I do, the very next day I’ll think of that awesome project. (Anyone got any ideas?)

Anyway, happy spring cleaning.

God bless and I hope you have a good day.