Happy Labor Day and start this next week well


Happy Labor Day, everyone.

I hope this is a day filled with fun and relaxation for all of you.

But as you think of this next week, start to prepare for the fall. I think each season gives us the opportunity to start anew. Maybe not in all states but in states what experience changing seasons, it kind of feels like it is new beginning because our weather changes so much.

labor day

Fall in Michigan is breathtakingly beautiful. God seems to paint with his most beautiful, rich colors in the fall. It seems like he might just be showing off. But then, maybe he does!

But the fall season in these climates also means fewer daylight hours. By Christmas, our daylight hours start to wane as early as five in the afternoon. That’s assuming we had any sun that day at all. Because we can go days in Michigan with no sun. That’s why Labor Day is a really big deal in my part of the world. People are frantically trying to soak up the sun before school begins etc, as if they can somehow store it for the long, sunless winter days.

So enjoy this beautiful day. Tomorrow I will post about how September can be a dangerous month for someone who battles depression. Stay tuned.

God bless and stay safe.