Depression has a big voice,make yours bigger.

Table of Contents

How depression feels.

Depression is awful. We can all agree on that. Do you feel sometimes like the waves of life are just going to engulf you?

ocean wave at blue hour

Does it feel like you are drowning inside sometimes?

That’s just how depression feels.

It is the most helpless and hopeless feeling in the world. You might survive the first wave, but you are sure the next one is going to do you in.

It’s like you’re looking at the world through a very cloudy, dusky lens. No color is as bright as it used to be. The sun might be shining, but to you, it’s hidden behind a cloud with only a few rays spiking out.

These are just some of the ways depression can be described.

Depression has a big voice.

But did you know that depression also has a voice? A very BIG voice. It screams all kinds of things at you, like “You’ll never amount to anything.” “You’re always screwing up.” “You’ll never get better.”

a woman in gray coat holding white megaphone/depression
Photo by Edmond Dantès on

But do you know how you counter it?

You counter depression’s voice by making your voice louder. Much louder.

One of the ways you make your voice louder by making your own choices. YOU decide what you will do each day. Making hyour voice bigger means you don’t let depression talk you into binge-watching TV all day. Don’t let depression talk you into eating a whole container of ice cream….You get the point.

Talk back to your depression.

I realized depression had a voice when I started to recover from an episode and realized I wasn’t the one always calling the shots. I realized my depression was making decisions for me. Once I grasped this concept, I have pretty much been able to defeat depression when it nips at my heels.

My devotional is almost finished, and one of the chapters’ titles is the same as this post. It is one of my favorite chapters in the book because this concept of treating depression as an outside entity attacking me made a big difference in my battle. It helped me to have a visual target rather than a scary invisible vapor-like illness that I could never see.

That doesn’t mean one ignores the “internal” goings-on, but the imagery worked for me, and it fits the Bible’s description of satan. (I don’t capitalize his name.) And as far as I’m concerned, satan is most surely the original author of depression.

God bless, and stay healthy.

The post,”Depression has a big voice, make yours bigger.” appeared first on faithsighanddiy and is not to be copied or used in any way without written permission from the author.