When we don’t have a clue

30(I’ve been taking part in the post a day marathon through WordPress. I’ve been going through the alphabet and giving thanks using a letter a day. But I’ve missed my normal posting so I thought I would add another one.)

My last couple of weeks have been stressful because I’ve been perplexed by some situations. And I so prefer not being befuddled. 🙂


It seems to me the more I study the Bible and the more I learn, the more I don’t understand how the world can be the way it is or why some people behave the way they do.

I don’t question God’s love, forgiveness, mercy, grace and all the rest. I’ve been the recipient of too much of it to doubt it.

But as to how all this works out in the rest of the world, I don’t know.The other day during my devotional time I wrote this,

“It’s better to ask the right questions than it is to have the answers.” 

questions and answers

questions and answers

Jesus is our example. He was a master “questioner”. He knew asking the right question prompted thought, more so than just handing out answers. He wanted people to learn, not just tell them what to do.

So that’s where I am now on my spiritual journey. Learning to ask the right questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. God can handle it.

God bless and I hope you have a good evening.